Thank you so much for visiting our site. If you are an individual, parent, loved one or just educating yourself on limb differences, WELCOME. We created BMC to shine a positive light and assist in connecting you to a vast community of invaluable resources and education. We want you to know you are not alone. We support you, we see you and we're here for you.

Cara Du Mont
& Bria
📍 St Petersburg, Florida
Hi, my name is Cara and I currently live in St Petersburg, Florida. My youngest daughter was diagnosed with Ectrodactyly in both hands and feet, as well as renal agenesis during her 13 week ultrasound. Weeks following brought on fears of the unknown as we were uneducated on limb differences and unaware of the community and resources available. Now that my sweet girl is here, I've realized how blessed we are to have her exactly as she is. I wouldn't change her difference for the world. Because of Bria, I've learned the importance of discovering and embracing a relatable community. Representation that's inclusive to you is important for feeling accepted and supported. By spreading awareness we can further normalize congenital differences in our society. I hope to help others by providing our support, resources, community and education.
Our children are beautifully made!
Mellissa Kuforiji
& Nile
📍Toronto, Ontario
Hi, I’m Mellissa, a first-time mom to a beautiful boy named Nile (like the River in Eastern Africa). When my husband, Ola, and I learned that our 20-week-old fetus didn’t have radius bones, we were confused, worried, shocked, and lost. We had so many questions: What would this mean for our precious baby boy? We did hours of research and tried our best to prepare, but nothing really prepares you for a child with limb differences because they are all so unique and beautifully made.
After genetic testing, Nile was diagnosed with Thrombocytopenia Absent Radius Syndrome (TARS), a condition that’s often associated with low platelets and being born without radius bones in both arms. Although the first year was scary with countless hours of occupational and physiotherapy, along with blood tests, ultrasounds, and x-ray; This journey has been informative, transformative, and filled with pleasant surprises.
Lauren Schoeller
📍Boston, Massachusetts
“Hi, my name is Lauren, and I live in Boston, Massachusetts. I was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder at birth (Chondrodysplasia Punctata II) which is a form of dwarfism that causes many musculoskeletal conditions and limb differences, including Camptodactyly, upper and lower limb length discrepancies, among other orthopedic issues. At birth and through early childhood, my prognosis was very uncertain. My parents were left to navigate my diagnosis and treatments on their own, without many resources. As I got older, I became more involved in my care and realized that living through these conditions not only placed me in a position where I had to be my strongest advocate, but I could use those experiences to connect with others, create resources, and expand education/awareness related to these conditions. While there were many unknowns and difficult decisions at the time of my diagnosis, I am thankful for the perspective it has provided as I continue to write my story. I believe awareness, education, and advocacy are powerful tools that can bring us together and towards a better understanding of how everyone’s lives are different and beautifully made in their own unique ways.”