These are our recommended resources relating to limb differences, disability awareness, and inclusive education. We hope to provide information that will assist in finding community, support, and education. Click to read more about each charity or organization. We also have a list of hospitals, books/authors, and businesses in support of inclusion and limb difference awareness. You may find all of those under resources on the menu bar.

Helping kids and youth with limb differences to reach their dreams. Raising donations for children in Mexico to have prosthetics that they would not otherwise have access to.

We create action sport opportunities for those with disabilities.

Adaptive training foundation provides access and inclusion to individuals living with physical or traumatic impairments by empowering them through exercise and community.

Instagram account raising awareness of Amniotic Band Syndrome.

To reach out to and empower people affected by limb loss to achieve their full potential through education, support and advocacy, and to promote limb loss prevention.

Angel City Sports provides year-round free adaptive sports opportunities for kids, adults and veterans with physical disabilities or visual impairments. In addition to providing free equipment, coaching and competitive opportunities – Angel City focuses on how every individual can reach their full potential and unlock their dreams through music, art, higher education and career opportunities.

Aussie Hands provides support, information and encouragement to people born with a hand difference and their families.

“Disabilities” are redefined as “Beautymarks.” Breaking the Stigma and changing the System with multiple layers and tiers starting with educating those who may be unaware of this lifestyle so that there will be a better representation within the Beautymark Community.

We are a community of people with disabilities (and the allies who support us), on a mission to elevate disability pride, together.

We aim to provide support and advice to all those affected by CTEV (Clubfoot) including the impact on mental health when going through the treatment process.

We believe that through increasing visibility, creating a community, information/resource sharing and events we will equip and empower individuals with limb differences to challenge perceptions of ability and overcome obstacles.

LIMBitless Possibilities is dedicated to eliminating financial barriers so as many kids as possible have access to running blades and camps/programs geared towards children with limb differences.

Improving the lives of children with limb loss both domestic and international, by strengthening the amputee community and providing pediatric prosthetic care to all.

Limb Possible is an organization formed to inspire, develop, and bring awareness to communities.

We are a global nonprofit organization dedicated to providing fully-functional prosthetic care for individuals who cannot otherwise afford it and raising awareness of the challenges facing amputees.

Limbitless Solutions’ mission is to empower confidence and increase accessibility in the limb difference community through art-infused bionics.

One of our main aims is to support children with a limb difference and their families. We aim to show the world how amazing our limb different children are. We work in schools and give talks in person or on line. We currently have 5 3D printers and have delivered bike adaptations - in house design and 3D printed arms (thanks to Team Unlimbited for their pattern) - all over the world.

The Lucky Fin Project is a nonprofit organization that exists to raise awareness and celebrate children and individuals born with symbrachydactyly or other limb differences (upper, lower, congenital, and amputee).

Creating a space to connect and empower individuals with limb differences.

We empower and connect those touched by ectodermal dysplasias through education, support and research.

To empower individuals of all abilities by building self-esteem, confidence and lifetime skills through sport, recreation and educational programs.

Our mission is to spread awareness, support families, sponsor fun events for kids with limb differences (and without!), and to bring more inclusive books to classrooms.

No Limits Foundation is a non-profit organization providing camps for children with limb loss and differences. The camp aims to provide education, mentorship, and support to these children and their families. Camp No Limits fosters a welcoming and supportive community in the hopes of helping all those who attend the camp.

The NubAbility® Athletics Foundation exists to encourage, inspire, instruct limb different youth by getting them out of the stands, off the bench and into mainstream sports. Imagine the power of having a mentor who looks like you.

We ally with limb-different families, equipping them with resources, networks and support to thrive. We serve children, parents, siblings, and adult individuals with limb differences involving the upper extremities, lower extremities, or both. This includes people with limb differences due to congenital issues, surgery, and / or those facing limb revision surgery or amputations.

Peaces of Me is a community of unique individuals united in a common vision redefining what it means to have a disability, physical difference, or chronic illness. We celebrate every kind of diversity, because an array of perspectives is the only way of addressing systemic problems holistically and comprehensively.

Empowering amputees & people with limb differences to live a life without limits. We provide funding for equipment, prosthetics and services that empower amputees & people with limb differences to live a life without limits.

ROMP is a non-profit, for-impact healthcare organization dedicated to providing prosthetic care to those without access to these services.

Helping children with upper limb differences live life without limits.

We support the limb difference community and educate the individuals that wish to impact it. We use 3D printing to provide free recreational prosthetic devices which are designed with children in mind. We host events which bring together the community and show children with limb differences that they are not alone.

Our mission is to bring together and celebrate the amazing people and families living with limb differences and other rare disorders.

we aim to create a world where limb differences are celebrated, embraced and accepted. We focus on supporting children with limb differences and their families, from the moment their limb difference is diagnosed. We believe that there is empowerment in connection and that the experiences of children matter, which is why we host regular meet ups and events for children of all ages.